Our Story

Wholesome and nutritious food that fuels you for your day shouldn’t be a luxury. Nor should eating well be reserved for those with lots of time and money. With how the world’s food system is set up, having a quick and affordable meal could mean choosing inexpensive and processed over fresh and flavorful. We sought a solution to that problem.

Fork and Salad was founded by people who believe restaurant meals can be better – healthier, sustainable, nutritious, fresh, and delicious. Healthy food is our passion, and we’re thrilled to share it with you.

Our Values

Fork and Salad is about passion. The passion to create a better life through the healthy choices we make every day. Choosing to eat with purpose. Choosing to build welcoming, inclusive spaces and communities. Choosing to treat our planet with care.

At Fork and Salad, these everyday principles are aligned with everything we do:

A Bowl of Salad With Avocado Corn and Tomatoes
  • Inspire Healthier Living

    We’re passionate about your health and enjoyment.

  • Ignite a Movement

    Healthy living feels even better when we do it together.

  • Cultivate Close Connections

    We know our suppliers. We want you to know them too.

  • Honor the Future

    Practice sustainability. For your body and the planet.

  • Fuel Change

    A great meal will change your day. Healthy food will change your life.

  • Be Pure

    Serve honest, unprocessed food. Never waiver.

  • Take a Hint from Mother Nature

    Keep it pure. Keep it real.

Joel Hector


Before entering the food service industry in 2012, Joel Hector was a successful real estate developer and a family man with two children. Around that time, he was 100 lbs. overweight. Joel tried diets and exercise, but nothing seemed to curb the weight gain. When day-to-day tasks like commuting became a challenge, he realized the need for a radical change.

That same year, Joel attended Pritikin Longevity Centre in Miami, FL, where, for the first time ever, he realized how powerful proper nutrition is and its effects on one’s health and well-being. Eating balanced, healthy, and nutritious meals kept him satisfied and energized. It was a life-changing revelation that helped him shed 104 pounds in six months.

Joel’s incredible journey didn’t involve any fad diets or quick fixes, just hard work, healthy living, and nutritious choices. He started Fork and Salad to help empower other people and give them the tools to live healthfully.

Joel Hector